30 August 2008

Oops, wrong Palin!

Well, the pot can no longer call the kettle inexperienced, after his recent choice of a vice-presidential running mate.

“She’s not from these parts, and she’s not from Washington, but when you get to know her, you’re going to be as impressed as I am,” said McCain. How the hell does he know that? He'd only met her once, six months ago.

Better we should elect Michael Palin!

This indicates that he's depending on others to figure things out for him. Scary thought, when we've already had a hands-off president for the last eight years. We don't need more of that.

If elected, he will be the oldest elected first-term president. She, who asked, "What does a VP do all day?" would be next in line.

Scary, scary, scary.

The Republican president in the 80's was already sinking into dementia during his term. Has this one begun a similar process? Sure looks like it.

Thank you, Mr. McCain. I think you've pushed the Republicans out of office. It's about time.

To fill your days between now and the election with giggles, visit this site:


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