08 June 2009

From One Festival to the Next

Well, after May Festival was over, I didn’t know what to do with myself, so I volunteered to help Alex out at the Cincinnati Fringe Festival. I did that for four evenings – helping with tickets, answering the phones, signing in some actors who were auditioning for another company that was using the Know Theatre’s space (the Know Theatre sponsors the Fringe). I set up a spreadsheet to tally patrons’ votes for the Pick of the Fringe and entered a bunch of data, and even sold a couple of Fringe t-shirts.

It was chaotic fun. Along the way, I saw a couple of shows, and on Friday, David came down and we saw two more after a nice dinner at Lavomatic.

On Saturday night I attended the Fringe awards ceremonies.

My daughter Alex is the one in the sparkly black dress at the end of the second video below.

Now there are no more festivals, so I guess I’ll have to clean the house. Finally. No more excuses.

The videos are little choppy because I had to stand with my arms in the air, holding up the camera, for over 40 minutes. There were people standing a foot in front of me, about ten deep. My apologies.

Part of the Fringe Festival is Art. (Note the Capital "A"). Last year, two talented volunteers painted a mural on the south wall of the theatre. This year they asked to paint the north wall. They were still working Saturday night when I left the party -- after midnight.

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